Friday 2 January 2015

Evaluation Q3 - Rosie Lincoln

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

This is our initial post on our desired target audience, (see here)

Throughout the editing process, I tried to make as much use of my free periods as possible. Within these I would ask my friends (who were all withing our desired target audience) who were around to come along and watch it so that I could get some feedback. As using text was something new for us, I tried to get comments on that as to how well it worked. The majority liked the concept as it was easier to read, however gave us some criticism on certain aspects e.g. position and colour. 

Another question we asked was whether to have the names appear on an individual blank screen, or alongside the footage. As it needed to be within 5 minutes, we decided on the footage version.

From creating a survey through survey monkey (click for post on survey monkey ), we were able to have a good idea about our location and actors and were pretty happy with responses so went ahead with those - although we did have to change characters to unforeseen circumstances. 

I managed to ask some of our friends what they thought about our poster; they are all within the target audience that we are trying to reach through 'Drop' so the feedback is useful:

We had posted our final short film onto the blog in order to be able to get any last feedback, however watching it back, it appears that something may have gone wrong whilst uploading it to YouTube. Once back at college we'll try and resolve the problem and then create a survey/questionnaire that can help us make any small alterations. 

Since returning to college, we have been able to obtain more audience feedback due to correcting the error and uploading our film. Survey monkey was our chosen way of getting feedback as it is a free service which is very simple to use and also convenient to share to others to respond i.e. posting the link to social media. 
The only disadvantage as the amount of questions we could ask was limited; if we wanted to ask more than 10 questions we had to pay however we managed to make our questions precise enough for it too fulfill what we needed. 

Here are some of questions we asked and sent out to our target audience:



We didn't receive a huge amount of response although we sent it to several people. From the material that we did get though we were able to make some changes to improve the film. 

Ettie and I spent some time going over any small tweaks that we picked up on from our last audience feedback before exporting it.One of the responses we got from our survey was that the date scene was too dull. We had planned on this being slightly more buzzing however the time of day we had access to the location meant there wasn't anyone else dining. 

click to enlarge images.

To over come this, we spent some time making Foleys. We recorded some casual conversations with the college' sound recorders, between people and then put them onto Final Cut with the volume turned down, to make it appear ambient.

Heres a video showing the effect of foleys 


  1. Regarding Text, be clear what you mean - messaging and illustrate with image.

    You don't seem to have a lot of feedback which is a shame.

    Feedback on the LWL review as well is needed.

    Maybe seek to include some context about this process in the real media world - can you find examples of audience feedback and how it is used in the real media world on the internet - try to search Google to find examples of say how film endings have been changed due to feedback.

    Also, you need to reflect and be self critical - would you do this differently now in hindsite. What would you have done differently concerning how you would have gone about getting feedback
