Friday 2 January 2015

Question 2 - Ettie's Evaluation

Q2: How effective is the combination of your main product and your ancillary tasks?

I will do a video for this and talk about (this is in note form as when i film I will expand on these points)
  • how the film is marketed
    • social media (guerilla marketing)
    • Viral marketing - word of mouth
    • free CD give out in newspapers/mags
    • adverts on Facebook or other social media
    • use for a portfolio so directors can show their work to big media companies
    • entering film festivals
  • How the film links to my poster
    • same font used in both (Lucinde Grande)
    • the same setting - the RAC Country club
    • The same main characters, who are also wearing the same costume as in the film so enables synergy.
  • How my poster communicates meaning
    • female character is looking away, connotes a weak relationship?
    • she is looking at drop, could connote that she is the antagonist (but actually turns out not to be)
    • Drop's font is blurry with a blurred shadow, could show the films ambiguity or as it looks a bit watery like, could hint at the pill dropping into the water
    • the review: 'Cleverly crafted with an unexpected twist' allows the audience to know about the twist in the film.
    • Pathetic fallacy - the sky is grey which suggests negative events in the film.
  • LWL review
    • Has a different target audience - students or young professionals who are in the media industry - love film. So, in the review I used media terminology, and wrote in a detailed descriptive way as the audience is knowledgeable about film.
    • If the review is favourable - good marketing success as those who most love film will see it, including maybe bigger media corporations
    • If the review is not favourable - would have to use more marketing strategies and maybe appeal at a different audience who don't read LWL eg. students of a different subject or those who are not a student.
    • the picture in the review is also at the RAC Country club allowing synergy though all 3 pieces. 
    • The review links to the poster as the review shown is from Little White Lies
    • LWL's target audience merges with ours of the film, viewers  will also read LWL's.
When filming, I will add appropriate images to illustrate what I am talking about.


Here is the video that I created, where I mentioned the points above. Excuse the awkward talking!:


  1. This looks potentially good Ettie.
    Get loads of image representations on your presentation - seek help from technicians if you need to.
    Remember that LWL if favourable will simply help create a vibe and hype. It will give it critical acclaim which will help. It isn't necessarily a disaster if it is given a poor review by LWL because it has such a niche readership.

  2. If you have a review for LWL on your poster, you can then show how this ties in with your marketing because the film Poster has taken the review and used it to further publicise the film. Your target audience is a youth one and short films tend to be watched by real enthusiasts , so they might well read LWL.

  3. Again very good Ettie showing clear understanding.
