Friday 2 January 2015

Evaluation Q4 - Rosie Lincoln

Here is Question.4 of my evaluation. Click on the image to take you to the Prezi.


  1. good start, below are some suggestions to further improve.

    1. Be more creative with prezi - go off from the main text to embedded video or images. EG in discussion on white balance, you should go off to this, or the same with focus pulling - show the effect on embedded video.

    2. Explore more problems of dialogue recording - normally you will capture all sound and not get a "Clean" recording and you can't then get independent control. By using the techniques that you have you will get a cleaner dialogue recording - important for understanding but also for picking up a lll the nuances of human communication.

    3. Don't forget to discuss sound editing generally - both diegetic and non diegetic sounds.

    4. Photoshop - allows for manipulation - what did you manipulate - image, font size and colour and so on. This means that you can create your Large titles, alter image in ways, and so on. It allows for far greeter sophistication. Imagine what a poster would have been like in the analogue age.
    Rulers and alignment make for far better design outcomes.

    5. In design - DTP Packages allow for what - columns, fit text to space, and so on. What ads does it have over non digital formats. You can manipulate size of text, italics, bold etc - all important in this article. Again, create additional prezi boxes to go off to with imagery to illustrate the points you make.

    6. Text messaging affects on the film. How do this - why is it important. Remmeber that this is a very recent phenomenon - people are only really now getting to grips with these ideas and how they should be shown on screen - link to that video that we watched in class. It is important because it allows for unrestricted narration.

    6. Research - sites like Virgin media - allow for free, easy accessible, speedy films to view and analyse. imagine if we did not have access to such sites?

    blogger - allows for instant feedback from teachers and peers.

    Social messaging - instant feedback from target audiences
    However, they can just leave inane comments - sick man!

    Discuss your use of Slo Mo at some point.

    Editing - much bigger discussion on pros and cons. What effects were you able to employ. Interesting transitions and why? Titling? Click of mouse you can rearrange shooting chronology.


  2. Realise that this is still in development - you are around a high level 2 at present. You should easily improve this. read the comments carefully and ask for advice. Also ensure Q2 is creative.
