Thursday 30 October 2014

Actor Alteration

Originally we were going to use Dylan as our waiter - actor, but after the sound recording error, he was not available to film any other days (in half term) to re-do that scene. As we hoped to have finished filming by half term we did not really think that we would have to change actors.

Our new actor Joe
However, we quickly found a new actor- Joe. Joe is happy to act in our short film, and as me and Rosie know him well, he should be easy to work with. This week, he has been doing NCS so is quite busy, but he has Friday off and luckily we are all free to film that day too. Joe does not own a white shirt for the costume, therefore I will provide him with one so his costume is complete.

We hope that we will be able to re-film the scene quickly and will focus on framing in more detail in order to achieve the best shots possible.

Sunday 26 October 2014

Example outside

Example footage for outside scene. 

From all the footage we captured I examined it and out of the 70 odd pieces I selected the prime shots and began to trim them all. I used my quicktime software on my iMac to screen record the editing/trimming and simply put the shots in the correct order according to the storyboard and the order of dialogue sequence. The continuity of the shots in some cases were hard to chose for example in one shot where the car drives past the camera and then goes into dialogue the background needed to be going by at the same speed of the car driving past the camera. Because of this we re-took some of the shots and have several in waste footage. I thought i'd mesh all the shots together in the right order and make a mini film just to see what it would look like before proper editing and the result is below. 

Inside car camera

In our short film we are having a few lines of dialouge between the couple whilst in the car, this posed an issue of how we were going to get the shot from the angle we needed as the car had to be moving and needed as much room and a wide angle as possible. Against most peoples wishes and suggestions i decided to purchase a camera mount which goes onto any windscreen/window and allows you to manipulate it into several positions to get the shot you want.

We could not use a DSLR to film this. So i had the idea of using my new phone which has an increible camera on it which could have been used to film the whole thing because of the quality. The front camera actually recorded the footage you can see in the screenshots below to most peoples surprise because of the clarity and no microphones were needed because the sound quailty and noise cancellation. The photos below are screenshots from the footage as we didnt take any stills so the quality isnt as high as in a video but it looks mch better with the actual clip. I have also ordered a Gopro camera which has a side conncection mount which we can grab a few shots from if we decide to do so.

Evidencing & Extras on outside shoot

During out outside filming session we used several things to aid us. I asked the head of marketing at the Club if it were possible to use a golf buggy for the filming as i would be driving up and down the captains drive multiple times getting different angles and shots of the car going past as well as setting up the camera. The golf buggy allowed us to quickly move locations and i had the idea of filming from the back of it and doing a moving shot of the car from a point of view shot. I also enquired about opening the main entrance to the captains drive as it is usually closed at the time of filming, we were allowed to have it open and filmed it. Below are some evidening photos of setting up the camera/filming/golf buggy.

Still shots possible for poster

Below are some still pictures we took at the time of filming out outside scene which we thought we could possibly use for the poster we need to create. We experimented from severeal distances and angles but cherry picked these select few as possibles, we will take more for more variety in different locations such as the restaurant at the time we re film the inside scene when we will have our other male actor. 

Final stage of filming

Due to the fact that we have no sound in the main scene if our short film we have decided to re film the whole thing. This in a way is a positive thing as we get to gain more experience and since we have filmed once already it will be easier and smoother. We have decided to try and film in different restaurant still at the location, i sent an email to the head of marketing as you can see below asking for permission. 

Friday 24 October 2014

Character Profiles

Character profiles 

In our short film we have three main characters and two are from the same background. These two characters are meant to be portraying middle - upper class individuals. To enhance this stereotype we are using several props and locations. For example when the female is getting dressed she is wearing a nice black dress and expensive shoes, we have a shot of the female taking the shoes off the floor next to a piano which also helps with the stereotype. 

The two main charaters are dressed appropriately as to the sterotype they are representing, they are mirroring upper middle class early 20's adults. Due to this in the film their conversation and mannerisms reflect this. They are also dressed in appropriate clothing to show what they are like as individuals for example the girl is wearing an expensive dress and shoes and bright red lipstick. The male character is wearing a suit jacket with a shirt with a button down collar and colourful tie. It is smart casual as he also wearing jeans as the rest of the costume with snart casual black boots/shoes. 

Out third character is playing a waiter, i personally think the actor chosen plays the role well as he just seems to fit the sterotype and fits the role correctly. Slightly awkward due to having an affair, the clothing he is wearing is appropriate because they are having drinks in an upper middle class environment, the Royal Automobile private members Club.

The backgrounds of the two main characters we have created are different to the waiter to enhance the realisation of how different they are but also shows how even with the couple enjoying life that nothing is perfect between them because the women is having an affair. 

Thursday 23 October 2014

Results of second filming

Results of second filming

We have just reviewed the footage and audio recordings of the shoot and have incurred several issues. First of due to the fact that two of us are acting in the short film Rosie would be the one physically pressing the camera button and working with the camera movement. Because of this we decided to get Dyaln who is the other actor to be the sound recordist in the scenes that he wasn't needed. We instructed him how to use the microphone however it still did not go to plan. The microphone needed to be pressed twice and our Dylan had pressed it once and because that turns it on and means you can hear the audio through the headphones Dylan thought that meant it was recording but it wasnt. During the scene no audio was being recorded and when the acting stopped thats when the audio began, so we have ended up with around 25 audio clips of meaningless sound. 

We have initially decided to use lepal mic but changed our minds to use the boom mic and stand which requires more effort and equipment. So when we are goig to re film we are going to go with the lepal mics which actually give out better sound quality.

Colour Correction - Post Production

 When filming at our location, the light there was quite orange and the walls were neither white too. This did give a more 'orangey' effect to the light which was hard to correct with the white balance on camera. Therefore we used a little desaturation, and colour correcter on final cut pro (editing programme) to change the colour. Here are before and after shots of the colour correction process.


whilst editing
After this experience, we will know what to do when the white balance in further shooting doesnt work as well as hoped.

Filming Errors..

The colour of the footage is quite orange.
Whilst filming our interior scenes we came across quite a few problems when reviewing our footage and sound... 

We used Ettie's DSLR camera to record on and decided to use an automatic white balance, so that it would set to best fit. 

Previously when we filmed at a different location this had worked fine and we didn't experience any problems. 
The lighting at our location could have been one of the problems; as it is a restaurant they had the lighting quite dim i.e. candles on tables and low lighting. 

Next time we film, we are going to use a college camera and the DSLR. This means that if the colour were to go wrong again, we would have a back up.
Ettie's camera also showed a few 'liney' areas once we put them onto FinalCut, which didn't look very nice so we are trying to sort that, and may have to change cameras. 

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Filming today

Today we hope to film again inside the main location. This is because we are only granted to film inside, then on Thursday we will film outside at the main location (and hopefully finish all filming). 

Here is the weather foreast and luckily it is not raining on both days therefore creating continuity between both days filming. The forecast says it will be windy but as we are filming inside this will not be an issue. 

We are also aware that it will be dark when we finish filming, but this will not be a negative thing as it will show time passing. As we are only filming a 5 minute film the change in light will suggest that they were in there for an hour or so- this will make the timeeee appropriate. 

Monday 20 October 2014

Titling Ideas and Experiments

For our titles we are planning on having an animation of the word 'Drop'. 

The letter 'o' would be presented by a round tablet dropping into water, alongside the rest of the letters - this will give an insight as to what is to come up in the film i.e the pill being dropped into the glass and hence the man collapsing.
An experiment in a large container.

We would use a large, clear container to record the footage of the tablet dropping as opposed to an ordinary glass, as it will be easier to record and allow more space and time for the tablet to dissolve without bumping into any edges. 

The way the other letters appear on the screen will be similar but with a plain font. As the title word is supposed to look as though it is being suspended in water, it would look good if the letter dropped quickly from the top of the frame, to then slow down slightly nearer the bottom and finally bounce/float around toward the middle of the composition. 

The letters of D R O P won't form a dead straight line, as the nature of water means they will move. So we will therefore experiment with the formal elements of spacing and line. 

Lighting Design

For our lighting, we wil have various different lighting set ups:

1) The pill dropping- For this we placed an LED light under the bowl and put in on a high brightness setting. This was so a good light source could be used to highlight and help to focus on the bubbles. It also made the sceen look more dramatic in the experiment. Here is our setup where you can see the LED light underneath the bowl and the footage we managed to create for our experiment.

2)  The character shots- For these we will use the LED light again but we will mount them on a stand and use a diffuser. The diffuser will be used to make the light less harsh and the stand will able us to use a 3 point lighting system. We will adjust the lights brightness according to the amount of natural light available. 

3) The car scene- Due to limited space in the car, we will use an LED light without the stand to film this and to create more light in the scene. This light will be neccesary as a car is usually quite dark due to the walls blocking natural light.
In this scene it looks as if a soft light is used just to add to the natural light. As if natural light was only used here the scene may have been darker than necessary. This is the effect that we will try to achieve in our short film.

Saturday 18 October 2014

First shoot recap

We filmed the first part of out short film on thursday last week. This included the shots of the main two characters getting ready. 

It went very according to plan, getting all the shots we needed plus extras which came on the spur of the moment once in our locations. For example in the lounge in one of the houses for the locations i pointed out that for one shot we could zoom in on a chrome circular light which centered the room and get a good shot from that angle, there were some complications with doing this such as we didnt want to be seen in the mirror reflection so we tested it out and came to the conclusion that we could hide the camera on the tripod next to a black speaker which it could blend in with. I am pleased as to the shot came out as well as the others. 

We have two stages of the filming left to do which is the outside sequence of shots and the main inside proportion. I have also ordered a Gopro camera to assist us and help us with the project. Below are some pictures from the first shoot.

Thursday 16 October 2014

First Shoot!

Today we filmed the getting ready scenes and we think it went well! We made sure that we added extra footage and filmed every shot multiple times so we have more material to work with when editing.

Here's a few pictures I took with my phone when looking back at the footage on my laptop:

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Props 2

The interior of the RAC doesn't really need any adjusting at all - it has the right atmosphere for what we want already. 
We will however need to chose the type of glasses that we use for the couple to drink from. It needs to be deep enough for us to be able to drop the pill in, but also look classy enough. We will use whatever is most appropriate for us that the location will allow us to use. Preferably we would like to use wine glasses because they all more used by maturer people as wine is more favorable to older people. 

Both characters will use Iphones. It is convenient that both James and Ettie have one, but they are also an expensive mobile phone so will help connote their middle/upper class status. 

It is possible that it might rain whilst we are filming so we will take an umbrella with us. We could incorporate this with the man holding it over his partner as he escorts her inside, and also whilst filming we can use it to try and keep the equipment as dry as possible. 

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Slow Motion Experiment 2

Today we set up a second experiment to do the shot of where there is an extreme close up of the pill dropping and fizzing. We did this by filling up a container with water, using a bright light underneath, and setting the camera to a slow motion macro setting. 
The shot we experimented on
Us filming the shot
Here is what we managed to capture and here is our best shot:

We feel this technique worked really well, but the tablet was a little out of focus in the slow motion video. So, to correct this we will try it again multiple times to work out exactly where to place the tablet when it gets dropped into the water. With this we will hopefully create a very appealing shot which could also be used for our titles.

Monday 13 October 2014

Actor Organisation 2

From receiving information on our location, we have had to change the actress who was going to play Rachel. This is because their timetable would no longer fit with the times we have been allowed to film within. 

Ettie will play Rachel
We decided to give Shannon a call to see if she would be willing to play our character as she does performing arts herself and we knew that her timetable would be convenient with what we needed; however she had work commitments.

We have now decided that it would be much easier to have Ettie play Rachel. This is because she knows what we are trying to achieve and will always be available when we need her. We will make sure that both her and James contribute to setting up shots and equipment so that we're all happy with it. 
some of the lipsticks we will try on Ettie.
We are still keeping the previous costume i.e. the long black dress and heels. 
Ettie however has short hair so we don't have to make the decision of up or down. 
Due to Ettie's paler complexion, she has said that she doesn't suit red lipstick - we will still use a deep colour as to look more sophisticated as opposed to something too bright. 

Filming Schedule

  These are the days that we wish to film:
  • Thursday 16th October - On this day we have media from 11:05-1:05 so if needed we could use this time to film our film. As this is all of our last lessons of the day, so would have a significant amount of time to film.
  • Monday 20th/Tuesday 21st October - These days are the days that we are allowed to film inside at Epsom. On Monday's we all finish at 3:45, but Media is our last lesson so could film in this lesson if needed. Then on Tuesdays Rosie and James finish at 1:05pm, but I finish at 3:45pm. So for this we would just go to the location later after I have finished. 
  • Thursday 23rd October We will film on this date if we need more footage/if any shots didn't work out.

Our only problem with filming at the moment is the weather. Recently it has been raining  a lot meaning that it is hard to find a day where it is not raining. Therefore if necessary we may need to work out how to film in rain e.g. providing umbrellas and protecting the camera from rain. 

Here's the weather for the week commencing:

Sunday 12 October 2014


Here is our anamatic showing how long we intend our shots to last for, and a brief description of what each will include. 

Friday 10 October 2014

Applying Narrative to our short film

It is hard to give a definite structure for our short film. It uses a flashback within a linear plot line. 
So we can apply Todorov's Theory of Classic Narrative to our story line:
  1. The normality, or Equilibrium, is the existing couple of James and Rachel. They have been in a long term relationship together and are happy with how things are. 
  2. I believe the Disruption of this occurs at the point where she begins talking to and seeing another man aside from James, her current partner. In terms of the plot, the disruption occurs when we see the man collapse outside of his car. 
  3. Confrontation - this is the part where Rachel finds out that the waiter (the man she has secretly been seeing) was the one behind her partners collapsing.
The next step of Resolution doesn't apply to our film as the situation is never resolved. Rachel can no longer be with either of the two men. She isn't able to forgive Dylan, the waiter. Therefore the New Equilibrium consists of Rachel now being single and on her own.
Restricted narration means that the characters and the audience are unaware of the events happening until it is revealed in the flashback.
Claude Levi Strauss... 
good vs. evil 
...can be applied to our film with his proposal of binary oppositions. The characters withing 'Drop' can be separated into good and bad. The waiter's morals are very different to what Rachel, the women, has in mind.  
The waiter appears to think that the only way to be with her, is to go to extreme lengths of killing her current partner. Rachel however isn't expecting this and would have preferred to do it in a more civilized manor i.e. a normal break up. 

Audience Feedback 1

*Survey created by Rosie, and post written by Ettie*

Here are our responses and questions on the first audience feed back that we did (click on the photo to enlarge):

From these results we can tell that our synopsis is a successful storyline, and that our target audience is suitable for it. This is because we asked people to do this survey within the desired target audience. Therefore, we know that our short film has a potential to success and we do not have to change the plot/story.

As we only managed to get 2 responses (as the other people we asked did not complete it), this may not give a wide range of views. However, we will continue to ask more people throughout the stages and hopefully get more audience feedback shortly.

Permisson - James post

We came to a group decision that because I am most familiar with the location we are filming with and that I have been a member of the club for many years I would be in charge of writing to the club to get permission for the filming. First of i made a call that went to voicemail and I figured writing an email would be more formal. The contents of the email is below

Dear Margaret,

I've been a junior member for a number of years and have recently just
last year become a full member in my own name at the club. I am
currently at college doing my A levels and doing creative media studies
which involves creating a short 5 minute film for my main project. I was
wondering if it would be at all possible to take advantage of the
gorgeous clubhouse/fountain bar area to discretely and quickly film a
few scenes for my project.

If this is at all possible I was curious as to the best day during the
week and time of day to do so when it's at its quietest to not interrupt
anytning. However after visiting the club last week with the two other
people in my media group we thought that the best place to do this which
wouldn't get in the way is the small seating area with the TV in the
fountain. It won't take that long and with very minimal equipment so we
couldn't cause a distraction or get in anybodys way.

In addition to this I was thinking if at all possible to use the
captains drive just to get some long distance shots and close ups of my
car driving down towards the clubhouse & fountain. I understand that the
captains drive doesn't open till around 6pm in the evening? Due to the
deadline for my coursework i propose that Wednesday the 15th of this
month at around 2/3 in the afternoon.

If this is at all possible please get back to me when you can so i can
let the rest of my group know and continue our planning.

Kind regards,

James Garbis

The next day I got a response from the marketing manager. The contents of her email are below.

Dear James,

Margaret has forwarded your email on to me as I look after the filming
at Woodcote Park. I am pleased to advise that we are able to approve
your request to film on site at Woodcote Park for your college course.
For our interest, please can you advise which college you attend.

As you can appreciate there will be a few restrictions to filming at the
Club. We have a ruling that members enjoying the clubhouse are not to be
included in the background of any filming. With this in mind we would
need to choose a quiet time of day to film in the Fountain Bar area and
on the Captain's Drive. The film can only be used for your college
course and may not be used for commercial use.

Please can you advise how many of you will be on site to do the filming.
Please ensure everyone is aware of the Club dress code. During the
filming I will be on hand to assist and supervise the shoot. Please can
you advise how many hours you expect the filming to take so that I can
take this into account in my day.

On your preferred date of Wednesday 15 October we have a motoring
consistency trial taking place on the Captain's Drive and so I am unable
to accommodate the filming on this date. Please can you advise a few
other dates that you would like to film and I can check the availability
for you. I have checked with the Food & Beverage Manager and for the
Fountain bar he has suggested that the best time is on a Monday or
Tuesday from 4.00 - 6.00pm.

I look forward to hearing from you,


After this I gave her a call to clear a few things up, she was very helpful with the situation and spoke to multiple people at the club to help us out. Due to events and rules there were several complications however we are working around them and will be on time for filming.

Sound Design

For our short film we will use both non-diegetic sound and dietetic sound:

The diegetic sound will be:

  • The dialogue - we will use a lapel mic/a mic boom/an external microphone to record this. We will use each microphone type according to the situation on which we are recording.
  • Ambient sound - this will be in the background of the sound recorded by the cameras. By making sure that this sound is included, the piece will seem more realistic and it will provide sound when the actors are not tasking.

The non-diegetic sound will be:

  • An instrumental Soundtrack - For this we will chose a soundtrack without lyrics. This is so the audience can full concentrate on the events of the film and will not be distracted by the lyrics. Our soundtrack will also be copyright free to avoid any copyright issues. When choosing a soundtrack we will fit one which best suits what we want e.g. Crescendos in the right places and will be parallel to the mood of the scene.
  • Foleys - we may add in some Foley to add a greater effect to an event. These could be the fizzing of the pill, or a thinking sound from the man dropping. We will use GarageBand or other programmes to source these sounds. Again these will be copyright free to avoid any problems.