1) The pill dropping- For this we placed an LED light under the bowl and put in on a high brightness setting. This was so a good light source could be used to highlight and help to focus on the bubbles. It also made the sceen look more dramatic in the experiment. Here is our setup where you can see the LED light underneath the bowl and the footage we managed to create for our experiment.
2) The character shots- For these we will use the LED light again but we will mount them on a stand and use a diffuser. The diffuser will be used to make the light less harsh and the stand will able us to use a 3 point lighting system. We will adjust the lights brightness according to the amount of natural light available.
3) The car scene- Due to limited space in the car, we will use an LED light without the stand to film this and to create more light in the scene. This light will be neccesary as a car is usually quite dark due to the walls blocking natural light.
In this scene it looks as if a soft light is used just to add to the natural light. As if natural light was only used here the scene may have been darker than necessary. This is the effect that we will try to achieve in our short film.
Great idf you could get actual evidence of you using films in your filming to add here. Bring it to life