Friday, 10 October 2014

Permisson - James post

We came to a group decision that because I am most familiar with the location we are filming with and that I have been a member of the club for many years I would be in charge of writing to the club to get permission for the filming. First of i made a call that went to voicemail and I figured writing an email would be more formal. The contents of the email is below

Dear Margaret,

I've been a junior member for a number of years and have recently just
last year become a full member in my own name at the club. I am
currently at college doing my A levels and doing creative media studies
which involves creating a short 5 minute film for my main project. I was
wondering if it would be at all possible to take advantage of the
gorgeous clubhouse/fountain bar area to discretely and quickly film a
few scenes for my project.

If this is at all possible I was curious as to the best day during the
week and time of day to do so when it's at its quietest to not interrupt
anytning. However after visiting the club last week with the two other
people in my media group we thought that the best place to do this which
wouldn't get in the way is the small seating area with the TV in the
fountain. It won't take that long and with very minimal equipment so we
couldn't cause a distraction or get in anybodys way.

In addition to this I was thinking if at all possible to use the
captains drive just to get some long distance shots and close ups of my
car driving down towards the clubhouse & fountain. I understand that the
captains drive doesn't open till around 6pm in the evening? Due to the
deadline for my coursework i propose that Wednesday the 15th of this
month at around 2/3 in the afternoon.

If this is at all possible please get back to me when you can so i can
let the rest of my group know and continue our planning.

Kind regards,

James Garbis

The next day I got a response from the marketing manager. The contents of her email are below.

Dear James,

Margaret has forwarded your email on to me as I look after the filming
at Woodcote Park. I am pleased to advise that we are able to approve
your request to film on site at Woodcote Park for your college course.
For our interest, please can you advise which college you attend.

As you can appreciate there will be a few restrictions to filming at the
Club. We have a ruling that members enjoying the clubhouse are not to be
included in the background of any filming. With this in mind we would
need to choose a quiet time of day to film in the Fountain Bar area and
on the Captain's Drive. The film can only be used for your college
course and may not be used for commercial use.

Please can you advise how many of you will be on site to do the filming.
Please ensure everyone is aware of the Club dress code. During the
filming I will be on hand to assist and supervise the shoot. Please can
you advise how many hours you expect the filming to take so that I can
take this into account in my day.

On your preferred date of Wednesday 15 October we have a motoring
consistency trial taking place on the Captain's Drive and so I am unable
to accommodate the filming on this date. Please can you advise a few
other dates that you would like to film and I can check the availability
for you. I have checked with the Food & Beverage Manager and for the
Fountain bar he has suggested that the best time is on a Monday or
Tuesday from 4.00 - 6.00pm.

I look forward to hearing from you,


After this I gave her a call to clear a few things up, she was very helpful with the situation and spoke to multiple people at the club to help us out. Due to events and rules there were several complications however we are working around them and will be on time for filming.

1 comment:

  1. James, this will look a lot better and more authentic if you grab the actual screen shot of your message and her response. It will alos look much much better as a post.
